
The company specializes in delivering innovative and technology-driven solutions to educational institutions worldwide. We provide customized services to the institutions along-with digital interface. We are engaged in providing consultancy services for establishing private institutions starting from the feasibility study to providing complete knowhow, designing educational syllabi, getting tie-ups/affiliations done with premium institutions, recruitment and managing manpower (Senior management, teaching/non teaching, technical and non-technical), for establishing private educational institutions in and outside India. Our strong R&D team has developed platform for providing online education to students and also has developed computer aided assessment technologies. We have developed several tools and products by applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to enhance and empower the teaching – learning environment. Our software solutions empower teachers and administrators to deliver high quality education. The platform is so flexible and economical that it is viable and suitable for one to one private tuitions to big institutions having strength of hundred thousand students. There is no upper limit for number of students that can be taught simultaneously in different classes. We understand the limitation of internet connectivity in rural areas, so we have designed the platform in such a way that it can run on 2G spectrum and it is probably the only online education platform that can do so successfully. In current pandemic situation our online education platform has helped education institutions to generate 30% more revenue.

Salient Features of our Online Education Platform
  • Extreme flexibility that help in Creation of a stand-alone virtual classroom to Virtual University
  • Integration and management of multi-location institutes/campuses
  • Personalized domain for every individual institution
  • Cent percent secured system for data protection
  • Runs on 2G spectrum too, only 128 kbps internet speed required
  • Very easy to customize, clients can also do it at their end
  • Caters to all education related needs of an institution
  • Extra control systems made for teacher to control the class
  • Empowers teacher to deliver high quality lectures with in-built features
  • Online certificate generation
  • Close collaboration between participants in and beyond classroom
  • Later playback of virtual lectures
  • Create unlimited database of educational resources
  • Extra revenue generator
  • Online payment collection system
  • 24×7 customer service support